It tastes like the holidays!

Image of Gingerbread Pancakes on a plate


November 26, 2021.  If you’re out shopping for holiday gifts, visiting Christmas tree farms, and spending time with loved ones, you won’t want to miss this fun. The Big Biscuit is celebrating this holiday season in style with gingerbread pancakes! These homemade pancakes have the traditional flavors of gingerbread cookies. To spice things up, even more, our short stack features a little gingerbread man cutout! We drizzle him with creamy vanilla icing and serve with a few dollops of whipped cream and warm breakfast syrup! Enjoy the classic tale of the gingerbread man on his journey and be the fox that gobbles him up. This is a playful plate of pancakes you won’t want to miss! 



We’ve all been there. Trying to find a gift for friends and family but not sure what to get? The Big Biscuit has something everyone can enjoy. Make plans to visit us this holiday season and pick up a gift card for the biscuit lover in your life.